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 The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test

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5 participants
Dragon Métallique

Nombre de messages : 12322
Age : 43
Localisation : Sur ma chaise
Date d'inscription : 05/07/2006

The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test Empty
MessageSujet: The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test   The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test Icon_minitimeMer 27 Sep - 15:07

Bon, on est parti pour les tests à la con alors... autant direct deriver vers ça Razz

Désolé pour les anglophobes mais c'est comme ça!

The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test

De mon coté ça donne:
Skinny and Sexy
Raw score: 29% Big Breasts, 22% Big Ass, and 60% Cute!

you show an attraction to smaller breasts, smaller asses, and sexier composure than others who've taken the test.

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Dragon Céleste

Nombre de messages : 2132
Age : 37
Localisation : In progress ...
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test   The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test Icon_minitimeMer 27 Sep - 15:23

My score on The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test:


Tight Ass, Cute Face
(Raw score: 55% Big Breasts, 40% Big Ass, and 72% Cute!)


Thanks for taking the T and A and C test! Based on your selections, the results are clear: you show an attraction to larger breasts, smaller asses, and cuter composures than others who've taken the test.

Note that you like women thin and top-heavy. This is best achieved with plastic surgery, but some specimens do exist in nature.
My third variable, "cuteness" is a mostly objective measure of how innocent a given model looked. It's determined by a combination of a lot of factors: lack of dark eye makeup, facial expression, posture, etc. If you scored high on that variable, you are either really nice OR you're into deflowering teens. If you scored low, you are attracted to raunchier, sexier, women. In your case, your higher than average score suggests you appreciate a cuter, nicer look. Kudos!

Recommended Celebrities: Penelope Cruz, Heather Graham."


Take it!
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Chimère Métallique

Nombre de messages : 108
Date d'inscription : 07/08/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test   The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test Icon_minitimeMer 27 Sep - 16:17

Tight Ass, Cute Face
Raw score: 51% Big Breasts, 22% Big Ass, and 68% Cute!

Thanks for taking the T and A and C test! Based on your selections, the results are clear: you show an attraction to larger breasts, smaller asses, and cuter composures than others who've taken the test.

Note that you like women thin and top-heavy. This is best achieved with plastic surgery, but some specimens do exist in nature.
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Chimère Céleste

Nombre de messages : 428
Age : 32
Localisation : Bulle Suisse
Date d'inscription : 19/09/2006

The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test   The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test Icon_minitimeMer 27 Sep - 19:17

Raw score: 70% Big Breasts, 59% Big Ass, and 48% Cute!

(sympas les images Razz )
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Dragon Métallique

Nombre de messages : 12322
Age : 43
Localisation : Sur ma chaise
Date d'inscription : 05/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test   The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test Icon_minitimeMer 27 Sep - 19:38

ah le p'tit vicelard qu'aime les gros seins ^^
on voit que t'es assez jeune Wink

tu veras ça te passera un peu avec l'age Razz
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Chimère Céleste

Nombre de messages : 428
Age : 32
Localisation : Bulle Suisse
Date d'inscription : 19/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test   The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test Icon_minitimeMer 27 Sep - 20:05

pas sur lol!
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The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test   The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Sep - 20:40

Raw score: 11% Big Breasts, 27% Big Ass, and 60% Cute!

The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test Philt

Thanks for taking the T and A and C test! Based on your selections, the results are clear: you show an attraction to smaller breasts, smaller asses, and sexier composure than others who've taken the test.

Note that you scored low on both breast and ass size. This means you appreciate thinner, harder bodies. You are most likely to appreciate a super-model. Relatively, you are less attracted to round, soft, sloppy women.

My third variable, "cuteness" is a mostly objective measure of how innocent a given model looked. It's determined by a combination of a lot of factors: lack of dark eye makeup, facial expression, posture, etc. If you scored high on that variable, you are either really nice OR you're into deflowering teens. If you scored low, you are attracted to raunchier, sexier, women. In your case, your lower than average score suggests you appreciate a sluttier look. Kudos!
Recommended Celebrities:Kate Moss and Kate Moss, but 'em post-coke-binge for a cheaper date.

j'aime les petits seins, les belles femmes mais dans les petits seins, qu'ils soient beaux Wink!!
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Chimère Spirituelle

Nombre de messages : 124
Age : 47
Localisation : près de METZ
Date d'inscription : 13/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test   The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test Icon_minitimeMar 3 Oct - 14:04

Curvy and Naughty
Raw score: 51% Big Breasts, 50% Big Ass, and 60% Cute!

The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test Jolie

My third variable, "cuteness" is a mostly objective measure of how innocent a given model looked. It's determined by a combination of a lot of factors: lack of dark eye makeup, facial expression, posture, etc. If you scored high on that variable, you are either really nice OR you're into deflowering teens. If you scored low, you are attracted to raunchier, sexier, women. In your case, your lower than average score suggests you appreciate a sexier, naughtier look. Kudos!

Recommended Celebrities: Supermodel Laetitia Casta and Actress Angelina Jolie.
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